Tuesday 16 June 2009

Scene 1

With time steadily running out I got to work on scene 1's environment designing, lighting and animation.

Above I created a sort of crummy, dark and eerie laboratory/factory environment. To keep with the atmosphere I kept the use of dark shaded colours: black, blue and greys, with the use of grey blinns (with simple metal texture and soft bump map) for metal surfaces such as the control panel on the bottom left corner of the picture above and the robot containment lockers on the right (looking closely through the window I placed another robot inside).

The control panel possesses some glowing buttons so as to illuminate the scenary a bit and give it a sense of a technological place.

To keep in line with the style of the robot's design I tried to retain a level of simplicity and soft cartoony feel to the scene. I used some textures and bump maps but kept them all subtle and not too realistic to make sure it retains it's feel.

Below are some examples from he game Team Fortress 2 of the environment and the style of which I am aiming to create.

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